Mac Format 1994 August
August CD.bin
InfoBrowser 2.8 Folder
Read-Me 2.8
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198 lines
InfoBrowser 2.8
©1994 Balance Software and Consulting
Jeffrey S. Kline
Requires HC 2.0 Works Best on Fast Machines, but still livable on 68000's.
This stack is Freeware. This stack is not in the public domain nor are the
scripts within this stack in the public domain. You may distribute InfoBrowser
as long as it has not been changed.
If you want to modify this stack and submit to bulletin boards or other
electronic services you must get the written permission of Jeffrey S. Kline or
Balance Software & Consulting.
Jeffrey S. Kline and Balance Software & Consulting are not liable for any loss
of information or damage to equipment associated with the use of this stack.
InfoBrowser may not be sold commercially or included in any commercial offering
without the expressed written permission of Jeffrey S. Kline and or Balance
Software & Consulting. InfoBrowser may be distributed over commercial on-line
computer services without prior permission.
If you are a member of a similar digest that has a similar format (i.e. topics
and then text) then give me a yell at the addresses below and I will see about
customizing this stack to allow you to browse other digests.
Snail Mail:
Jeffrey S. Kline
Balance Software & Consulting
1905 South 24th Street
Terre Haute, IN 47802
My E-Mail account (internet): EGKLINE@INDST.indstate.edu
(This will change in August 94, I will update this stack to reflect this change
at that time)
Full HPop XCMD by ©1993 by F. Rinaldi
Pseudo-Balloon Help Is available by clicking on the Palette button with the
Balloon and the question Mark inside. This feature works on the first cards, the
Downloads Card, The Message Card, and the Palette Help Card. The Pseudo-Balloon
Help will not work when pointing to the palette. If you want info concerning the
palette go to the next card by pressing the Palette Help Button above. When
Balloon help is a button appears titled "Balloon Help Is On" and once activated
the response is somewhat slow on 68000 macs (1 - 2 secs).
In an attempt to make the chore of reading the Info-Mac Digest easier and less
time consuming I created this stack. The inspiration came to me after reviewing
the stack of a similar nature by Peter Jorgenson (I am not sure that I have that
spelled correctly, the Stack is available in Info-Mac Archives under Card). I
liked the concept but wanted to do things slightly differently.
Digest Cards
The stack is straight forward. The first card that is open is the main
background where the digests are stored. The field on the left keeps the topics
and the field on the right has the digest itself. You import the text file
versions of the digests with the second button on the palette. The digests are
each read into one card. If the file is larger than 28k then the file is split
into 28k segments each segment of the file is placed in a separate field. In
order to get to the separate segments of the file click on the 1,2,3 button in
the palette or click in the small field at the top that says "Part x of Digest
y" where x is 1,2,3 and Y is the number of the digest.
When you click on the import button it will prompt you for a file in a
standard file dialog. Click on the file and click the open button (or double
click on the file name). The dialog box will disappear and come back, if you
have more digests to read in repeat the procedures. When finished select the
cancel button in the dialog box.
InfoBrowser keeps you informed of the process of importing files. When
importing files. It should go through a variety of messages to tell you the
process. It starts with "Reading in First 28k of File 1 that you selected" then
goes from there. The last message it should say is "All Finished!" This might be
very quick so watch for it.
You can Scroll normally in either field, or you can click on one of the
topics in the field on the left and the field on the right will scroll to that
If you press the option Key down while clicking on a message in the digest
field InfoBrowser will copy the complete message into the Messages Field on the
Messages Card. This is to help you to keep track of the messages you may want to
respond to in the future. You must hold down the option key until you see the
message "Grabbing the Message." There is no way that I know of to speed this
script up on 68000 based machines. This may be a limitation of HC (possibly mine
also). I am attempting to shorten and cut the script, but there is only so much
that can be cut, so be patient.
If you click on a line in the digest field that says "archived as:" then it
will copy that particular line into the Downloads card and put it in the
appropriate field on that card.
If you click on a line in the digest field it will copy that particular
line into the Messages card and put it in the appropriate field on that card.
InfoBrowser remembers where you left the palette so it can be set to any
location and will always appear there in the furure.
A popup menu consisting of the titles of each of the issues in the stack to
allow quick travel between the issues. Just click in the Info-Mac Digest title
field (on the digest Card) with the mouse button held down (just like using a
menu) and a menu will popup with the names of the issues in this stack. Menu
does take two secs to popup on 68000 macs.
The Browser Menu in the Menu Bar has the titles of each of the issues in
the stack to allow quick travel between the issues. The show menu also allows
you to export the digests from a card into a text file.
InfoBrowser has a Zoom Box for the Digest Fields to expand them so that
they are easier to read. Even with Field Zoomed all other scripts are
functional. This Button is just above the digest field and looks like a standard
zoom button. It does not work if the fields have been expanded with the monitors
option available on the preferences card.
InfoBrowser has a small Button that Locks and Unlocks the bg flds located
on the digest card so that you can access if neccessary directly. Button will
lock the fields if they are unlocked and unlock them if locked. Some functions
only work if the fields are locked!!
Downloads Card
To delete a file from the list of files, click on the file name with the option
key pressed.
You Can copy theTo Be Downloaded files to a text file or the clipboard.
Just use the appropriate button at the bottom. You can either create a new text
file or append to an existing file. Just follow the dialogs
The Sort button Sorts the To Be Downloaded files (right hand field), this
makes it easy to group the files by subdirectory.
The Messages Card
This card stores the messages that you retrieved from the digest. You can
export this field as a text file or or append to an existing file or into the
clipboard using the buttons at the bottom of the card.
The Palette
The buttons in the palette are explained in full in the next card, just
press the button above, "Palette Help". When you import the Digests (the second
palette button on from the right in the palette below) a dialog bow will appear
asking you to select a file to import. Files must be text only. The dialog box
will continue to appear until you click cancel. This allows you to read in more
than one digest at a time. It takes about 1 minute per digest. The digest will
be on a new card. You can access the different cards by clicking on the arrow
buttons in the palette. Please click on the Palette Help Button to learn more
about each button on the palette.
The Preferences Card
This is a new card that allows you to set the size of this stack (physical
not disk). This may be useful for people with larger screens. Just select the
size you want, and Push the "Resize" button.
A thank you to Wendy Farkas and Kieran O'Connor for some great suggestions for
improvement of this stack.
At this time I cannot see myself adding any significant features to this stack,
If you have any suggestions, I will consider them. I will also attempt to keep
the stack up to date with regards to the latest version of HC.
Snail Mail:
Jeffrey S. Kline
Balance Software & Consulting
1905 South 24th Street
Terre Haute, IN 47802
If you have any questions comments or suggestions I can be reached at the above
address or at:
my E-Mail account (Internet): EGKLINE@INDST.indstate.edu (Until August 94)